
Prof. Ahmed Radwan

Vice President for Research

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Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan (SMIEEE, Fellow-AAS) is the Vice-President for Research, and Dean of Graduate Studies at Nile University, Egypt. He is the Founder and general co-Chair of NILES International Conference, and also the Founder and Chair of the Undergraduate Research Forum (UGRF) at Nile University. He has a total number of indexed publications of 475+, more than 11,000 citations and h-index: 55 according to Scopus.

He is a Co-inventor of 6 US patents, author/co-author of 12 international books as well as 18 book chapters in the highly ranked publishers. Prof. Radwan is leading the fractional-order circuits track worldwide. He is an associate editor in 4 prestigious Scopus-indexed journals and TC member in IEEE CASS. Some of his prestigious Awards: The State Encouragement Award, The State Excellence Award, Abdul Hameed Shoman Award, Scopus Award in Engineering and Technology, Prof. Tarek Khalil Award 2022 for Distinguished Leadership from Nile university and many more. He managed funded projects with budgets over 10M EGP and supervised more than 50 (Master's & Ph.Ds.).

Recent Publications

A study of the nonlinear dynamics of human behavior and its digital hardware implementation

This paper introduces an intensive discussion for the dynamical model of the love triangle in both integer and fractional-order domains. Three different types of nonlinearities soft, hard, and mixed between soft and hard, are used in this study. MATLAB numerical simulations for the different three categories are presented. Also, a discussion for how the kind of personalities affects the behavior

Circuit Theory and Applications

Biohybrid soft robots, E-skin, and bioimpedance potential to build up their applications: A review

Soft Robotics is a new approach towards better human-robot interaction and biomimicry in the robotics field. Its integration with biological materials (Biohybrid soft robotics) is one of the topics being focused on in the soft robotics research in the last fifteen years. The motive for this approach is to combine the best of biological and artificial systems. In this article, Biohybrid soft robots

Circuit Theory and Applications

Generalized switched synchronization and dependent image encryption using dynamically rotating fractional-order chaotic systems

This paper presents a generalization, attractor control and multi-scroll generation method for fractional-order chaotic systems through rotation transformation. A novel synchronization-dependent colored image encryption and secure communication scheme is also proposed. The systems with dynamic rotation angle fit successfully in a generalized dynamic switched synchronization scheme. Dynamic control

Circuit Theory and Applications

Multiplierless chaotic Pseudo random number generators

This paper presents a multiplierless based FPGA implementation for six different chaotic Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) that are based on: Chua, modified Lorenz, modified Rössler, Frequency Dependent Negative Resistor (FDNR) oscillator, and other two systems that are modelled using the simple jerk equation. These chosen systems can be employed in high speed applications because they don't

Circuit Theory and Applications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Optimal Charging and Discharging of Supercapacitors

In this paper, we discuss the optimal charging and discharging of supercapacitors to maximize the delivered energy by deploying the fractional and multivariate calculus of variations. We prove mathematically that the constant current is the optimal charging and discharging method under R s -CPE model of supercapacitors. The charging and round-trip efficiencies have been mathematically analyzed for

Circuit Theory and Applications

Design and implementation of variable inclined air pillow soft pneumatic actuator suitable for bioimpedance applications

The technological revolution has caused the modernization of human–machine relationship changing our approach in problem solving our society issues and deviated the science of robotic all together. An example for one of the most important pawn in this revolution is soft robotics, the soft robots are robots that are made of deformable materials that provide an alternative approach to rigid robots

Circuit Theory and Applications

Fractional chaos maps with flower pollination algorithm for chaotic systems’ parameters identification

Meta-heuristic optimization algorithms are the new gate in solving most of the complicated nonlinear systems. So, improving their robustness, reliability, and convergence speed is the main target to meet the requirements of various optimization problems. In the current work, three different fractional-order chaos maps (FC-maps), which have been introduced recently, are incorporated with the

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Extracting Optimized Bio-Impedance Model Parameters Using Different Topologies of Oscillators

This paper demonstrates the possibility of extracting the single-dispersion and double-dispersion Cole-bio-impedance model parameters using oscillators (sinusoidal or relaxation). The method is based on replacing selected components in the oscillator structure with the biological sample under test and then using the Flower Pollination optimization Algorithm (FPA) to solve a set of nonlinear

Circuit Theory and Applications
Agriculture and Crops

FPGA Implementation of the Fractional Order Integrator/Differentiator: Two Approaches and Applications

Exploring the use of fractional calculus is essential for it to be used properly in various applications. Implementing the fractional operator Dα in FPGA is an important research topic in fractional calculus; in the literature, only a few FPGA implementations have been proposed due to the memory dependence of the fractional order systems. In this paper, FPGA implementations of fractional order

Circuit Theory and Applications
Research Tracks

1) Fractional-Order Systems

2) Memristor

3) Bifurcation

4) Encryption

5) Chaos

Research Project

Wireless Monitoring of Fruit Growth Using an Electrical BioImpedance Sensor Device

The idea of this project is to graph the quality of fruits and vegetables similar to ECG in humans. The purpose of this project is to build a prototype for a portable wireless electronic device capable of measuring live tissue with fruits or vegetables using bioimpedance and some mathematical & electrical models then transmitting data to the base station. This project will add scientific and
Research Project

Software Algorithm and Hardware Implementations of Information Security Using Number Theory and Chaotic Systems

The project aims at proposing novel software algorithms for information security and their hardware implementations. The algorithms will utilize different methods based on number theory and chaos theory. Cryptography and information hiding systems will be developed for different media data types such as text, image, audio and video. The project will investigate different classes of symmetric
Research Project

FPGA/FPAA Implementation of Fractional-order Systems

Fractional Calculus (FC) has been proved through numerous research examples to be a superior tool for system description to the narrow integer order domain. This is achieved through the extra parameters introduced by allowing the differential or integral orders to take non-integer values. The promising capabilities of fractional-order devices challenge the research to find a way to simulate its
Research Project

Ternary Logic Gates Design

Nowadays, the demand for building CNTFET-based ternary systems has been increasing. The current two-level binary logic and MOSFET technology have been facing limitations in chip size, design complexity, and power consumption. In this proposal, the method to design Ternary logic gates based on CNTFET and Memristor is proposed. Implementing Ternary Full-Adders and Multipliers is also discussed in
Research Project

Two Port Fractional-order Oscillators and Filters Suitable for Tissue Modeling

Objective: This project aims to study the relation between the mathematical fundamentals of fractional calculus and the concept of two-port circuit networks in the design of oscillators and filters with their analyses. These concepts will be applied to the Cole-Cole model, suitable for agriculture and biomedical applications tissue modelling. Outcomes: Literature Surveys (2 Journals + 2 Chapters)
Research Project

Development and Manufacturing of Soft Actuated Under Water Robotics

Objective/Contributions: Surveying research papers about transferring hard robot characteristics to soft one. Use additive manufacturing techniques to minimize the assembly process of the ROV actuator. Work on soft control and soft sensing system and study its ability to be used in soft robotics. Discuss biomimicking ROV. Create a hub for soft robotics at Nile University for participating in Egypt
Research Project

Fractional order Image Processing Platform for Retinal Pigmontosa Patients

Objective/Contributions: Investigation and categorization of the different methodologies in fractional operator discretization. Investigate the effect of the number of memory samples on the performance of different discretization schemes and recommend the scheme which gives the best performance for the least number of memory samples. Discuss the stability analysis of the discretized operators and
Research Project

An Underwater AR based System for Marine Life Detection and Classification for Divers and Tourists

Objective/Contributions: Collecting and annotating an extensive dataset of fish images representing the fish species in the red sea. Building a machine learning model capable of detecting and classifying fish species from a real-time video. Building a proof-of-concept prototype for the AR hardware that is capable of capturing the live video of marine life, running the classification model, and
Research Project

Multi-stage Low-cost Treatment of Dyes and Paints Wastewater by Coagulation, Adsorption, and Filtration for Reuse in Several Application

Objective/Contributions: Designing and constructing a low-cost, efficient, rapid environmentally friendly treatment system for textile and paint industries' recycling and treatment. Conducting a comprehensive literature database of all the reuse and treatment methods, in paints wastewater treatment and all the pilot plants, and treatment plants used success stories that successfully reduce the
Research Project

Bio-Mimetic Locomotion of Soft Turtle Robot

Abstract Amphibious robots have great potential for a variety of applications, but their design can be complex and expensive. Bio-inspired soft robotics offers a promising solution, as their actuators can perform evenly on land and underwater. Our robot takes inspiration from turtle locomotion as it bridges the gap between traditional four-legged robots and swimming robots. The robot can be
Research Project

Bio-inspired Soft Robot for Monitoring Coral Reefs

Abstract Coral reefs play a crucial role in supporting a quarter of all aquatic life, but their existence is now threatened by ongoing climate changes. Our project aims to develop an underwater soft robot that can mimic the morphology and shape of actual marine creatures and to imitate their swimming motion. This robot can play a critical role as monitoring platform to understand the reefs