
Thermoelastic wave propagation in a piezoelectric layered half-space within the dual-phase-lag model

Ahmed E.A.A.
El Dhaba A.R.
Abou-Dina M.S.
Ghaleb A.F.

We investigate linear, thermoelastic wave propagation in a layered piezoelectric material composed of a slab bonded to a half-space substrate of a dissimilar material, within dual-phase-lag model and under thermomechanical loads. One of the aims of the present work is to formulate a set of boundary conditions that is compatible with the field equations. Normal mode technique is used to obtain a solution to the considered problem. The model allows for a jump in temperature at the interface, and this can be used to evaluate a material constant of the slab. It turns out, particularly, that a normal electric field is generated outside the structure. Numerical results for all quantities of practical interest are obtained and discussed. A relation between the jump in temperature and the slab thickness is given. These results may be useful in determining the values of the material constants of the slab, in particular the thermal relaxation times. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.