Memristive Bio-Impedance Modeling of Fruits and Vegetables
Recent works show that the plants can exhibit nonlinear memristive behavior when excited with low-frequency signals. However, in the literature, only linear bio-impedance models are extensively considered to model the electrical properties of biological tissues without acknowledging the nonlinear behavior. In this paper, we show with experiments, for the first time, the pinched hysteresis behavior in seven fruits and vegetables including tomato, orange, lemon, aubergine, and kiwi which exhibit single pinch-off point, and others such as carrot and cucumber exhibit double pinch-off points (i.e., three lobes). We also proposed a memristive fractional-order bio-impedance model by extending the Hayden bio-impedance model. The proposed model is used to fit the measurements of the seven fruits and vegetables showing very good matching. © 2013 IEEE.