Slider Giving NU

Naming Opportunities

You can honor your legacy by establishing a named space and donating to the educational cause through Nile University. This will support our students to keep their dreams alive and educate a new generation. 

Naming opportunities allow donors to pay tribute to family, friends, or community leaders by naming particular University buildings and areas. 


1- New Schools' Buildings

Within our framework of expansion plans, NU is already on its way to opening new 5 schools, which are: 

  • School of Digital Humanities 

  • School of Sustainability Water and Food Security 

  • School of Energy and Environmental Engineering 

  • Graduate School of Education 

  • School of Arts and Science 


2- Furnishing, Computers, and Equipment of Existing Facilities

3- Main Auditorium

The University’s main auditorium seats up to 750 spectators and houses major University events such as graduation ceremonies, cultural events, seminars, and conferences. 

Auditorium seats are also available for naming if required.

4- Labs

5- Educational Wing

6- Library 

7- Lecture Halls

  • Lecture halls A (seating up to 150 students) 

  • Lecture halls B (seating up to 80 students) 

8- Classrooms (seating up to 50 students) 

9- Research Centers

Research centers can be named after the benefactors who donate for that purpose. 

10- Sports Facilities and Outdoor Elements:

Elements such as trees, pergolas, fountains, and wooden benches provide a pleasant experience for faculty members, researchers, students, and visitors on campus.
Sports facilities represent an essential element of students’ education at NU; various facilities and playgrounds are needed to provide students with an opportunity to develop their athletic aptitudes and skills.

For more info contact: 

Amina S. Galal

Institutional Development Director
