Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan
Ahmed G. Radwan (Senior Member, IEEE) is the coauthor of more than 170 international articles and a few international books. He is the author of the book On the Mathematical Modeling of Memristor, Memcapacitor, and Meminductor (Springer), which has been prefaced by Prof. Leon Chua, who postulated the existence in 1971 and the father of nonlinear circuits.
He has six U.S. patents based on interdisciplinary ideas among mathematics, circuits, MEMS, electromagnetics, and digital chaos. He received many research grants as a Principal Investigator (PI), a Co-PI, or a Consultant from the Science and Technological Development Fund (STDF), the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), the Faculty of Engineering Cairo University, and Nile University inside Egypt. His main research interests include nonlinear circuit analysis, chaotic systems, digital chaos, fractional-order systems, image encryption, stability analysis, and memristor-based circuits. He is a member of different international organizations, such as the IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Circuit and System Society, and IEEE Transportation Electrification Initiative (TEI).
In 2014, he was selected as a member among 15 Ph.D. holders in all fields (30–40 years inside Egypt) to form the first Egyptian Young Academy of Science (EYAS), as a part of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). In 2014, he was selected as a member among 50 Ph.D. holders in all fields (inside and outside Egypt) to form the first scientific council of The Egyptian Center for the Advancement of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ECASTI). He supervised/ co-supervised more than nine Ph.D./16 M.Sc. students in different research topics. Many of his students received the best papers/posters at different international conferences. He received the State Achievement Award for research in mathematical sciences in 2012; the Cairo University Achievement Award for research in engineering sciences in 2013; the Physical Sciences Award by Misr El-Khair Institution in 2013; and the Best Researcher Award by Nile University in 2015. He was invited to organize many special sessions at different international conferences such as Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER2011, China) and (PIER2012, Malaysia) and International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2015, Hong Kong). Moreover, he was selected as the session chair for many international conferences. He served as a Technical Program Committee and/or Scientific Committee of many international conferences such as ICECS2015. He is also the Program Co-Chair of the upcoming conference ICM2016, Egypt, in December 2016.
Regarding student activities, he founded the series of “NU Undergraduate Research Forum,” which demonstrates applications-oriented projects related to undergraduate courses. Selected to be the Consoler of the IEEE Nile University Student Branch (NUSB) from October 2014 to May 2016, where many activities have been introduced to the NU Community. Moreover, the NUSB organizes several learning camps for many students in preparation for national competitions. He was selected to be one of the jury committees of many competitions, such as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), which is the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, in Egypt, in 2015. He was invited to be a Guest Editor of the “Special Issue on Fractional-Order Circuits and Systems: Designs and Applications” for the journal Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (IF = 1.264), from March 2015 to December 2015. Moreover, he was a Guest Editor of the special issue “New Trends on Modeling, Design, and Control of Chaotic Systems” for the journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering (IF = 0.644), from July 2016 to April 2017.