
- Design and implementation of a Multi-Visual Cryptography (MVC) system for sharing two color images using the generalized tent map as a source of randomness and a modified weighted average filter to significantly improve the recovered image quality.
- Design and implementation of a progressive Multi-Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) system using the Lorenz chaotic system, where the number of used shares in the recovery process defines the quality of the recovered secrets.
- Design and implementation of a (n, n)-Multi-Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) system for colored images using the fractional-order Rossler system.
- Design and implementation of a lossless pixel-based (n, n)-Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) system for grayscale and color images using Lorenz chaotic system, with its hardware realization using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
- Design and implementation of a (n, n)-Multi-Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) system based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), with its hardware realization using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
- Design and implementation of secure blind watermarking system using the fractional-order Lorenz system in the frequency domain, where the watermark is first encrypted, then embedded in the cover image.
- Demonstration of FPGAs used in the hardware realizations and implementation of real-time video stream encryption and decryption using OV760 camera and VGA monitor.
- Reviewing hardware design approaches for H.264 and proposing a hardware implementation of H.264 forward and inverse transform blocks.
- Design of a selective encryption system for H.264 with quality control in CABAC using chaos, where sensitive syntax elements are encrypted using the logistic map during the compression process.
- Study and utilize some discrete and fractional-order chaotic systems, such as Arnold’s discrete cat map, and the fractional-order Lorenz system. A new fractional-order chaotic system is also proposed.
- Design and implementation of a lossless Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) system for color images based on Arnold’s discrete cat map.
- Design and implementation of a blind watermarking system based on the statistical properties of the DCT coefficients, and enhancing security by encrypting the watermark image using fractional-order Lorenz system.
- Utilization of number theory in symmetric key systems by designing a PRNG based on primitive roots of prime numbers, and integrating it in a chess-based image encryption system.
- Design and implementation of a Multi-Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) system for color images based on number theory using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), and Substitution box (S-box).
- Proposing a framework for designing PRNG’s based on elliptic curves, designing a PRNG based on this framework, and integrating the designed PRNG in an image encryption system.
- Presenting simplified combinational hardware designs and FPGA realizations for three colour space conversions, RGB to YCoCg-R and YCoCg colour space encoders and decoders, and comparing them to their sequential counterparts.
- Studying the details of different H.264 syntax elements, proposing a new system to encrypt them, and investigating possible hardware implementations.
- Survey on the number theory fundamentals, elliptic curves, and their cryptographic applications.
- Survey on secret image-sharing techniques, the utilization of elliptic curves in cryptography, and hardware realizations of number theory-based information security systems.
- Survey on chaotic systems and their hardware implementations.
- Survey on digital data types, their representations and relationships, as well as the proposal of a new image enhancement system using double fractional-order masks.
- Overview of cryptography and survey on the different image encryption systems as well as the recent image encryption techniques.
- Survey on steganography fundamentals and recent steganography techniques.
- Investigation of the H.264 video coding standard and survey on different video encryption techniques and hardware implementations of H.264.