Dr. Lobna A. Said
Lobna A. Said (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and electrical communications from Cairo University, Egypt, in 2007, 2011, and 2016, respectively. She is currently a full-time Associate Professor with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Nile University (NU). She has been the Microelectronics System Design Master Program (MSD) Director and the Co-Director of the Nanoelectronics Integrated System Design Research Center (NISC) since September 2021.
She has over 140 publications distributed among high-impact journals, conferences, and book chapters. She has an H-index of 25, as reported by the Scopus database. Her interdisciplinary research interests include modeling, control, optimization techniques, analog and digital integrated circuits, fractional-order circuits and systems, memristors, nonlinear analysis, and chaos theory.
She was involved in many national/international research grants as a PI, a co-PI, or a senior researcher/member. In 2019, she was selected as a member of the Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) to empower and encourage young Egyptian scientists in science and technology and build knowledge-based societies. In 2020, she was also chosen to be a member of the Arab–German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA). In 2020, she was selected to be an African Academy of Science (AAS) Affiliate Member. In 2021, she was selected to be a member of the Council for Future Studies and Risk Management, ASRT, Egypt. Additionally, she served on the technical and organizing committees of many international conferences and organized special sessions and was selected as a TWAS Young Affiliate.
She received the Excellence Award from the Center for the Development of Higher Education and Research in 2016. She won the State Encouragement Award for the year 2019. She also won the Dr. Hazem Ezzat Prize for the Outstanding Researcher NU in 2019 and 2020. She was one of the top ten researchers with NU from 2018 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020. Her name was in the top 2% of Scientists, according to the Stanford Report for 2019, released in 2020. She has received the recognized reviewer award from many international journals. She was awarded the IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor Award in 2021. She has been the Vice-Chair of Technical Chapters of the IEEE Egypt Section and the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Egypt Chapter, and the Counselor of the IEEE NU Student Branch since 2018. In 2020, she was elected as the Co-Chair of EYAS. She has been the Co-Chair of WIE in the IEEE CAS Egypt Technical Chapter since 2021.