A generalized framework for elliptic curves based PRNG and its utilization in image encryption
A generalized framework for elliptic curves based PRNG and its utilization in image encryption
In the last decade, Elliptic Curves (ECs) have shown their efficacy as a safe fundamental component in encryption systems, mainly when used in Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG) design. This paper proposes a framework for designing EC-based PRNG and maps recent PRNG design techniques into the framework, classifying them as iterative and non-iterative. Furthermore, a PRNG is designed based on the framework and verified using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test suite. The PRNG is then utilized in an image encryption system where statistical measures, differential attack measures, the NIST statistical test suite, and system key sensitivity analysis are used to demonstrate the system’s security. The results are good and promising as compared with other related work.