Climate change competitions for STEM school students
Nile University arranged several competitions for STEM school and univeristy students in colloabration with Univeristy of Nottingham and innospace academy to show the innovatve ideas for youth towards solving climate change problems in health, energy, food and agricutrual and urban design. https://www.facebook.com/innovationspaceacademy/posts/571727511197400
SIC 2022 is an Innovative Science Competition that tackles and spots the challenges of the Community, Climate Change is one these beatable challenges this year. SIC encourages High School Students to apply Knowledge, Skills, Passion and Creativity to innovate solutions that make a difference to the world today.Another competition was arranged by Nile Univeriaty and Univeristy of Nottingham As part of UK-Egypt Higher Education Climate change partnership funded by British Council, the partners are holding a short video competition to find out how Early Career Researchers (ECR) and PhD Researchers are contributing to global net-zero targets.