Conference Paper

Generic FPGA Design of Spiking Neuron Model

Roshdy M.
Mohsen M.
Saeed A.
Tolba M.F.
Saleh H.I.
Radwan A.G.
Madian A.H.

This paper introduces a new representation of the human brain neuron cell response. Implementation of a single cell model of an excitatory and inhibitory neuron. The architecture is based on mimic the real reaction of the neuron cell. Excitatory and inhibitory are implemented in generic form for all neuron's behavior. The design is tested experimentally using FPGA. The designs have been realized, simulated using Xilinx ISE 14.7, and realized on Xilinx FPGA Virtex Artix-7 XC7A100T. The proposed realization shows good performance to be compatible with various applications. © 2020 IEEE.