Dr. Mohammed Said ElSheemy Live Webinar
Nile University was pleased to invite many people to join our live public lecture featuring Dr. Mohammed Said ElSheemy Ali, Professor of Urology, Kasr El-Aini Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, which included a talk on "How to write a scientific paper- Part I.", followed by questions and discussions panel. The lecture was held online on Monday, 4th of January 2021, 7:00 - 9:00 pm(Cairo time – GMT +2). Brief Abstract of the Presentation:
1. Idea of Research: How to search for it and the criteria of the practical idea.
2. Title of Study: Criteria of an attractive title.
3. Introduction Section: Essential components.
4. Method Section: Different parts of the method section Speaker's Biography:
- International awards in peer reviews:
1. Publons peer review global awards 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019 "One of the top 1% of reviewers in the field of clinical medicine" and in the field of "cross-field."
2. Elected as the best reviewer in the January-February 2016 Issue and July-August 2018 Issue of the Urology Journal (IF 1.4; ISSN 1735-1308).
3. "Outstanding contribution in reviewing" awarded September 2017 from Gold Urology Journal (IF 1.9; ISSN 0090-4295).
• International awards for posters and abstracts: 1. Best poster during the 31st Annual European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress in Munich; 2016" and "the 32nd Annual EAU Congress in London; 2017".
4. Best poster during the 28th Annual Congress of European Society for Pediatric Urology (ESPU), Barcelona, Spain, 2017".
- Reviewer:
1. Documented peer review activities on Publon website for peer review activity of 643 reviews; (web of science): 464.
2. Reviewer in 54 international journals indexed in web of science &/or Scopus.
3. Total: reviewer in 106 journals.
- Editor in:
1. African Journal of Urology (eISSN: 1961-9987, ISSN:1110-5704; Emerging Source Citation Index; Scopus: cites core 0.5).
2. Medicine: (ISSN: 0025-7974; E-ISSN:1536-5964) (WOS: IF 1.8; Ranking: Medicine, General & Internal 15/153) (Scopus: cites core 2.7) (http://journals.lww.com/md-journal/pages/default.aspx).
3. Egyptian Journal of Urology.
4. Other journals: 30 local Journals.
- Mentor for training on peer review (Publon Academy): As an expert mentor, providing peer review training course through Publons Academy for early career researchers; offering feedback, motivating, and endorsing early career researchers for excellence in reviewing.
- Publications: Sixty-six publications in Web of Science and Scopus indexed journals.