Kareem Moussa

Teaching Assistant

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Kareem graduated from Electronics and Computer Engineering program at Nile University in Fall 2021 with GPA 3.95. Also, he published 5 research papers while he was still in his undergraduate studies as well as publishing several papers after graduation.


Kareem Moussa's graduation project titled: “Enhanced Beauty Services Mobile Application Based on Artificial Intelligence” has been accepted at the AUC Science Slam competition and qualified for the finalists 2021 and qualified to L'Oreal Brandstorm 2021 semifinals.

Recent Publications

Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Comparative Study

Diabetes is a common, metabolic disease, that results in a high level of blood sugar. Patients diagnosed with diabetes suffer from a body that cannot effectively use the insulin or cannot produce a sufficient amount of insulin. Providing a method of detection via symptoms that can be noticed by the patient can prompt the patient to seek medical assistance more promptly and in turn to be correctly

Artificial Intelligence

A Preprocessing Approach to Improve the Performance of Inception v3-based Face Shape Classification

Face shape classification is considered one of the trending topics in the artificial intelligence research field. Face shape classification can be employed in many broad-scoped projects, such as hairstyle recommendation systems in the beauty and fashion industry. In this paper, the inception v3 model was employed to reach the highest possible performance for classifying the different face shapes

Software and Communications
Research Tracks
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Computer Vision