
Prof. Tarek Khalil

Founding President of Nile University (2006-2021) and Professor of Management of Technology

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Dr. Tarek M. Khalil is the founding President, Provost and Dean of the graduate school of Management of Technology (MOT) of Nile University (NU), Egypt from 2006-2021. NU is the First National Non-Profit Research and entrepreneurial University in Egypt. He previously served as Professor of Industrial Engineering and Director of the Management of Technology program and the Environmental/Occupational Safety and Health program at the University of Miami. He also held professorships in Biomedical Engineering and Epidemiology and Public Health and Neurological Surgery. His experience includes academic work at the University of Florida, the University of Miami, Texas Tech University and many other institutions around the world, including France, Finland, Guatemala and Egypt.

He served as Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Miami. He also served as Chairman of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Miami and as the Director of the Ergonomics and Bioengineering Division of the Comprehensive Pain and Rehabilitation Center of the University of Miami School of Medicine.

Dr. Khalil is the Founder and served as President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) for several terms. He initiated and chaired more than 20 International Conferences in Management of Technology. He is also the co-founder of the University of Miami Institute for the Study of Quality in Manufacturing and Service in the School of Business Administration. He served the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) as Chairman of the Council of Fellows, Director of the Work Measurement and Methods Engineering Division, Vice President Region IV, Director of Honors and as a member of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Khalil's experience includes serving as a consultant to governments, industry and educational institutions in the US, Egypt, France, Finland, Brazil, Japan, Guatemala, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, as well as the Fulbright Commission and the United Nation’s UNIDO, UNESCO and UNDP.

He also served on advisory panels and as a consultant for The Department of HHS, NIOSH, NSF, Dade County, Monroe County and Project HOPE and many US companies. He served as a senior editor of the Journal Technovation and on the editorial board of several international scientific journals in Innovation and Technology Management.

Dr. Khalil is the recipient of many national and international awards, including the Award for Technical Innovation in Industrial Engineering, Doctor Honoris Causa from the Grenoble School of Management, France, Doctor Honoris Causa from the Institute National Polytechnique de Loraine (INPL) - Université de Nancy, the University of Miami College of Engineering Researcher of the Year Award, the IIE David F. Baker outstanding research Award, the IIE Phil Carroll Award, the IIE Ergonomics Division Award, the Human Factors Society Paul M. Fitts Award and the Jack A. Craft Award. He authored or edited 15 books and authored or co-authored more than 300 publications.


Dr. Khalil has been involved in science, Technology and innovation policy-making for many years. In the late 1970’s early 1980’s he was involved with Project Hope in developing a comprehensive strategy for education and service in Egypt. He became involved with Dr. Fredrick Bete, Eric Bloc of the National Science Foundation and the USA Council on Competitiveness in the USA and with Dr. Richie Herink of IBM and Dr. Graham Mitchell, Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy during the Clinton administration in promoting education and research in the management of technology (MOT) and the establishment of the International Association for Management of Technology.

He and Dr. Mitchell were invited by Dr. Venice Gouda, Minister of Research of Egypt, to introduce the principles of MOT and innovation to all research center directors and to selected members of the National Academy of Research and Technology as well as to a number of industry R & D directors. In 1997, he worked as a consultant to the Social Fund for Development in Egypt to disseminate the concepts of MOT innovation and entrepreneurship and encourage SMEs and new ventures. He also joined with the Director of the SFD in introducing to the cabinet a proposal to establish a national fund for R & D. He was appointed by the Prime Minister of Egypt to the technical group of technology ministerial committee established to study Egypt’s technology policies of the future.

As president of Nile University, he participated in developing and implementing the research strategy of the newly established Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) and as a member of the committee to establish the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) of MCIT.

He also participated in the AD HOC committee to recommend changes in Egypt’s education system.

He was invited to be a member of the committee to prepare Egypt’s vision 2030 in Science, Technology and Innovation and he advocated the emphasis on establishing national innovation system and the importance of science and technology policies to economic growth, wealth creation and competition.

At Nile University, he established the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Center (IECC), which hosts “NilePrenuers" ,the largest initiative to spread the culture of entrepreneurship and support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt.

The initiative was supported by the Central Bank of Egypt and several of its affiliated banks. He served as the Chair of the Board of the NilePreneur initiative upon its start.


Dr. Tarek Khalil has received an immense amount of awards, recognitions and honors within only the past 20 years, such as:

  • 2023 Honorary Doctorate Degree of Engineering (Honoris Causa), University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • 2022 Award of recognition, 31st International Conference on Management of Technology in Nancy, France.
  • 2011 Scholar of the year Award, Association of Egyptian American Scholars
  • 2008 Docteur Honoris Causa, Grenoble Ecole De Management
  • 2002 Director of Honors - Institute of Industrial Engineers
  • 2006 Co-Chair International Conference on Management of Technology- Beijing, China
  • 2005 General Chair International Conference on Management of Technology- UNIDO, Vienna, Austria
  • 2004 General Chair International Conference on management of Technology- Washington D.C., USA
  • 2003 Appreciation Award as president of the 13th International conference on management of technology, Nancy, France
Recent Publications

Entrepreneurial ecosystems: Global practices and reflection on the egyptian context

Following the Egyptian revolution that had taken place in 2011, many social and economic norms changed. The Egyptian economy witnessed a severe deterioration. In 2016, the Egyptian pound lost almost 60% of its value overnight. Egyptian government and foreign development agencies rallied to find a remedy to the economic downturn. With no jobs, young Egyptians started experimenting with the

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Egypt x.0 ? moving behind industry 4.0 towards industry X.0

Industry X.0 is becoming a “buzz” word. Governments and businesses around the world believe that missing the new wave of industrialization would jeopardize their competitiveness for a long time, and harm their capacity to play a significant role in a connected globalized economy. Therefore, the paper examines the major drivers shaping this new wave of industrialization. Moreover, the paper

Future of public organizations in the digital transformation era

Introduction and Purpose: Digital transformation has been a “buzz” word over the last few years. Government of Egypt has initiated various ambitious initiatives and projects for transforming the economy into digital economy. Since the outlook of the future organizations would be different from what we know today, therefore, such transformation mandates radical change in the way public leaders

Software and Communications

Utilization of appropriate technologies for a real "competitive Egypt"

Egypt has experienced a remarkable deterioration with respect to competitiveness since the Arab Spring in 2011. According to World Economic Forum's (WEF) report, Egypt's Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) was 81 out of 139 in 2011. The Country's GCI dropped to 116 out of 140 in 2015. This was mainly due to the political and economic instability that Egypt has come across over the past four years

A model of a research and entrepreneurial university for developing nations: The case of Nile University

Education is the most important sector influencing development of nations. The experience of the USA, several European countries, and more recently of South Korea, India and China are but few examples of the positive influence gained from attention to education on economic growth and improvement of the standards of living. All components of the education system chain from preschool to primary

Technology and financial innovation

This case study examines the global financial debacle of 2007-2008 to see the roles in which technology played in new financial schemes. It uses theory about social-technical systems and applications of technology to analyze the case. It identifies theoretical issues in which MOT can relate to classical economic theory. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness