Egypt x.0 ? moving behind industry 4.0 towards industry X.0
Industry X.0 is becoming a “buzz” word. Governments and businesses around the world believe that missing the new wave of industrialization would jeopardize their competitiveness for a long time, and harm their capacity to play a significant role in a connected globalized economy. Therefore, the paper examines the major drivers shaping this new wave of industrialization. Moreover, the paper proposes a holistic framework for Egypt that should be considered, towards being a global industrial nation. The framework identifies the milestones of the journey leading to be a global player, by converting the manufacturing system from its current static status to the dynamic and ecosystem driven status. The proposed framework draws a roadmap for transforming the discrete and unconnected system to automated system, then transforming the automated system to smart and predictive system, and finally transforming the smart and predictive system to be an ecosystem driven. The approach used in the paper is based on thorough analysis of the reports issued by international institutions, and literature in the areas of industry 4.0 and industry X.0, desk research, and interviews with key personnel in the government and Business Representative Organizations (BROs). © 2020 Towards the Digital World and Industry X.0 - Proceedings of the 29th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2020. All rights reserved.