Insider NU


Insider NU

Insider NU is an independent student-run newspaper at Nile University.

To report and highlight the university communities’ news with complete impartiality and without discrimination, in addition to raising the general awareness of students within the university community and enabling them to express their opinions freely and independently.

Mohamed Yasser is the founder and former president of Insider Nile University, which is a student-run newspaper and media organization. The Insider was initially established in 2011 at the German University in Cairo and later expanded to several Egyptian universities. In February 2019, it was founded at Nile University, with Mohamed Yasser as the Head of Reporters.

The organization's vision is to unite and empower students across Egypt by reporting impartially on university news and raising awareness among students. It covers various fields of work, including articles, reports, investigations, photography, and events.

The Insider NU is known for its annual conference for student journalism, which brings together Insider teams from different universities. Mohamed Yasser served as the President and Editor-in-Chief of The Insider Nile University for several years, overseeing its growth and development. Under his leadership, the organization focused on media coverage, news reporting, and expanding its activities. They also launched podcasts, conducted interviews with notable figures, and initiated campaigns and events to engage students.

The Insider Nile University achieved administrative stability and notable success during Mohamed Yasser's tenure. In 2023, he stepped down from his position, marking the end of his leadership journey with The Insider Nile University.

  1. “Let’s Socialize” event was organized for Nile University students in general, especially freshmen and sophomores, to let them find their way in making friends and socializing. The event included two main sub-events, where the first one was game time and the second one was movie night, in order to bring joy to as many students as possible.
  2. “Yalla Alex” trip was organized for Nile University students in general, especially sophomores and juniors, to let them know more about the Egyptian civilization. The trip was part of the "In Egypt" campaign, which was on the recommendation of “Insider Masr”. The initiative was launched through social media to help high school students in the admission process when applying to Nile University. The initiative is powered by Insider Nile University members through “Nile University’s Newcomers“ Facebook group. The initiative was part of the vision and the mission of “Insider Nile University.” They made the campaign to enable people to explore Egyptian civilization and culture. The campaign is powered by Insider Nile University members through taking shots from many unique archaeological and tourist sites. 
  3. Insider NU collaborated with Nile University's marketing team through its broadcast team to provide several interviews with students, newcomers and their parents during NU Open Day to ask them about their opinion about the university, and through these interviews, they could provide a video which was on Nile university Instagram page and Insider NU Instagram page also, and this video reached its goal to make an awareness campaign about Nile University student life and activities.
  4. Insider NU participated in NU Open Day as a student club to provide newcomers with all they need to know about student life and activities at Nile University, and added their significant touch from activities, giveaways, and fun, proving its success as a student club at Nile University. 
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