
Professor Vincent Chan’s Live Webinar

Nile University is announcing its new live webinar, which will host Professor Vincent Chan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on Thursday 11th of June from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Throughout his career, Professor Chan has spent his research focusing on communication and networks and will give a lecture titled “Future Network Architectures and Influences of the Pandemic-Technical Funding, Regulations, and Policies.”

Obtaining his Ph.D. in EE from MIT, Professor Chan worked as an assistant professor at Cornell University from l974-l977. He joined MIT Lincoln Laboratory in l977, and he is now a member of the Claude E. Shannon Communication and Network group at the Research laboratory of Electronics of MIT.

He has served on many government advisory committees and boards in the US and other countries and has been active with several start-ups.

Professor Chan has been especially interested in free space and fiber optical communication and networks and satellite communications. His work has led to a successful laser communication demonstration in space and early deployment of WDM optical networks. His recent research emphasizes algorithmically-optimized heterogeneous network architectures with stringent performance demands.

The webinar is crucial for spreading awareness on the effects of corona on the cyber world. A role Nile University is taking seriously through many efforts that aren’t limited to broadcasting game-changing webinars, but the efforts branch to building disinfection gates for an entirely safe environment at the university, among many other initiatives.