Nile University Wins First Place in “Excellence in International Publishing”
Nile University wins first place in the "Excellence in International Publishing" ceremony at the Ahleya and Private Universities Level. Dr. Khaled Abdelghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Dr. Tarek Shawqy, Minister of Education and Vocational Education, announced Nile University as the winners of first place in international publishing by the sum of impact factor, according to the global website Clarivate's Web of Science Master Journal List throughout the past three publishing years.
Nile University participated on its end in an honoring celebration of the International Publication of universities in a prestigious delegation headed by Dr. Ahmed Radwan, Vice President of Research at Nile University; he also received the prize in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Lateef, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, Dr. Mahmoud Saqr ,Head of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and several heads and representatives of university presidents, faculty deans, teaching staff, and public figures. Dr. Ahmed Radwan, VP of Research at NU, stressed the significance of the distinguished research centers inside Nile University.
Hundreds of talented researchers and over one hundred undergraduate students could publish in international journals and conferences, which contributed to elevating NU's global rank. He also pointed out that NU managed to do dozens of local and international research projects and fully supports applied research. It is worth noting that many of NU's faculty members have won state awards and were honored in scientific councils and forums and various local and international academies during the previous years.