
Exploring Economic Policy Formulation Amidst Rising Risks and Uncertainty: Insights from Dr. Hassan Aly's Contributions

Dr. Hassan Aly received a certificate of appreciation for conducting a lecture entitled "Carbon Markets in Egypt: Are we there yet “in the conference titled "CO2 Capture as a Direct Tool for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation" held by the National Institute of Standards. In addition, he received a certificate of appreciation for his participation in the annual scientific conference of the Information and Decision Support Center in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University entitled صنع السياسات الاقتصادية في أوقات تزايد المخاطر وعدم اليقين . Dr. Hassan chaired the third session entitled Mechanisms to Reduce the Effects of Increasing Risks and Uncertainty on the Decision-making Process.