Business Students Participating in the Egyptian Cabinet Public Policy Forum
Business Students participated in the Egyptian Cabinet Public Policy Forum representing Nile University in September 2021. Where they got qualified for their research paper entitled “Towards enhancing financial inclusion to protect the poor and marginalized” (نحو تعزيز الشمول المالي لحماية الفقراء والمهمشين) and were shortlisted among the top teams in Egypt, and they got to discuss the results of their policy paper at the Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) in the Egyptian Cabinet.
Enormously proud of our young leaders, Andrew Safwat, Salma Samy, Nouran Abdelaziem, and Hannah Ahmed, for being extraordinary representatives under the guidance of Dr. Hassan Aly, Dean of Business School, and Dr. Amr Ragab, Assistant Professor of Economics, and many thanks for their continuous support to their students throughout the process. r of Economics and many thanks for their continuous support to their students throughout the process.