Award-winning Profesor Shahed Saleem with ARUD Students
The Architecture and Urban Design Program (ARUD) at NU had the pleasure to host Prof. Shahed Saleem, who is the Founder of Makespace Architects, a Senior Research Fellow at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL and a Reader at the University of Westminster School of Architecture. His research and practice interests are in the architecture of migrant and post-migrant communities, and particularly their relationship to heritage, belonging and nationhood. He is the author of 'The British Mosque: An Architectural and Social History'.
Prof. Saleem gave a public lecture at NU on “The V&A Ramadan Pavilion and the Search for a British Muslim Identity" to ARUD undergraduate students, talking about his design works that have been nominated for the V&A Jameel Prize 2013 and the Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2016. His research work won a RIBA President’s Medal for Research Commendation 2020 and was nominated for the Historic England Angel Award and the SAHGB Colvin Prize 2019. He also shared his experience, giving feedback to the students in a full-day workshop during ARUD325 Spatial and Urban Dynamics.