
The University Registrar is the administrator responsible for the student class enrollment and records and all student plans and registration processes. The office maintains: class lists, keeps a history of the grades and curriculum prerequisites, prepares the honors lists, transcripts, and enrollment letters to determine students' graduation eligibility, and plans the commencement ceremonies.

Undergraduate Academic Policies
Purpose of the Manual for Undergraduate Studies The main purpose of the Undergraduate Studies Manual is to:
- set and maintain the academic standards of NU.
- ensure consistency across schools.
- ensure fair treatment of students. Every UG student at NU should become familiar with the contents of this manual. The manual guides students in understanding their rights, their responsibilities and the procedures at NU.

Postgraduate Academic Policies
Every graduate who wants to register for any postgrad program will have to go through all the policies set for each program and understand all requirements.
Transcript, Enrollment, Graduation Certificates:
- Fill in the needed request Form.
- Pay at the bank or pay online as shown in the Bank Payment or Online Payment
- If you are an undergraduate student: Send an email to ugregistrar@nu.edu.eg
- If you are a Postgraduate student, send an email to pgregistrar@nu.edu.eg
- The email subject should include the name of your request and the semester in which the request is made. Example: Enrollment Request, Spring 2020.
- The email should include a scanned copy of your request form.
- The email body should include the student's full name and the university ID.
Office Hours
Registrar's office hours start from Sunday through Thursday, from 9:30 am till 2:30 pm.
For UG academic/non-academic requests and documents requests Students portal - Home.