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The U.S. - Egypt Science and Technology (S&T) Joint Fund was established under an Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt on Science and Technology Cooperation to strengthen scientific and technological capabilities between Egypt and the United States. The objectives of this cooperation are to help Egypt and the U.S. expand relations between the two scientific and technological communities, utilize science and apply technology by providing opportunities to exchange ideas, information, skills, and techniques, and to collaborate on scientific and technological endeavors of mutual interest to promote economic development. Joint Fund grants provide financial resources to support the add-on costs of bilateral cooperation. Eligibility for travel funding is limited to U.S.-based early career researchers who are U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents based at U.S. universities or research institutions who are either currently involved in a U.S.-Egypt Joint Fund Supported project or are the alumni of such a project, and who have received their graduate degree (master’s or PhD) within the past 10 years

clock  Deadline


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