Dr. Nevin A. M. El Sayed Live Webinar
Are you interested in VR, AR, and XR? Do you know the difference between VR, AR, and XR? Are you ready to discover VR, AR, and XR world? This event, titled “Introduction for VR, AR, and XR,” is for those who want to know more and unleash the world of VR, AR, and XR. The speaker of the live webinar is Dr. Neven Abd ElAziz ElSayed, and here you are a short brief of our speaker.
Dr. Neven Abd El Aziz El Sayed got her Ph.D. in Augmented reality and Visual Analytics researcher. She also too her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of South Australia. Neven is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Computer and Artificial intelligence, an associate professor in the Faculty of Science and Innovation at the University of Canada in Egypt, and a trainer at the National Training Academy.
Dr. Neven is the founder and director of ARC innovation lab, Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence, Benha University.