Ahmad graduated from Minia University's Biomedical Engineering Department in 2019. He was ranked 2nd in my class. He joined Nile University after one year of experience in the industry. Currently, he is a master's student in the school of Information Technology and Computer Science and working as an RA in computer vision-related topics. His research interests are in deep learning, generative models, and computer vision.
- Published Paper: M. S. M. Bahgat and Sebaq, A. M., “An Analytical Computational Algorithm for Solving a System of Multipantograph DDEs Using Laplace Variational Iteration Algorithm”, in Advances in Astronomy, Jun. 2021, p. 16. Y. A. Alnaggar, Sebaq, Ahmad, K. Amer, E. Naeem, and M. Elhelw, “Rice plant disease detection and diagnosis using deep convolutional neural networks and multispectral imaging”, in International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, Springer, 2023, pp. 16–25.
- UGRF Jury
- MEDI Organizer
Research Tracks
- Satellite Imagery and Generative Models