
NU Departments

The Research Office and Research Centers can be reached through:

 E-mail: research.office@nu.edu.eg

You can reach the Student Life Office through:

  Email: justforyou@nu.edu.eg

  or Phone no.: +202-3854-1812


Students Support office has three sub-offices: Scholarships Office, and International Office.  

You can reach the scholarships office through: 

Email: scholarships@nu.edu.eg 

 or Phone no.: +202-3854-1734

The International Office, which provides services related to exchange programs and international students, can be reached through:  Email: international@nu.edu.eg   or Phone no.: +202-3854-1734


You can reach the Marketing Office through

E-mail: marketing@nu.edu.eg

or Phone no.: +202-3854-1816

Hotline: 16453

You can reach the HR Office through:

Email: careers@nu.edu.eg

or hradmin@nu.edu.eg for NU academic HR office. 

You can reach out to the IT Office through:

Email: itsupport@nu.edu.eg

To reach the student recruitment office:


  • AAbobakr@nu.edu.eg
  • StudentRecruitment@nu.edu.eg  

or on our hotline: 16453

You can reach out to the Alumni Office through:


Phone no.: +202-3854-1747

You can reach the registrar's office through:

Email: ugregistrar@nu.edu.eg

 or Phone no.: +202-3854-3041

For postgraduate students, you can reach through: pg@nu.edu.eg


You can reach the Grants Office through:

E-mail: Grants_support@nu.edu.eg  

or Phone no.: +202-3854-1860

You can reach the admission office through:

Email: admission@nu.edu.eg 

or Phone no.: +202-3854-1824