NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletters

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#156

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#156 Important Deadlines: جائزة عبد الحميد شومان للباحثين العرب لدورة العام2024 : Deadline: 31 – March – 2024 Tahtawi Master’s scholarship: Deadline: 31 – March – 2024 STDF | PRIMA CALL 7: Deadline: Stage 1: Pre-Proposals - April 4th, 2024

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#155

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#155 Important Deadlines: African Biodiversity Fellowship for Emerging Genomics Leaders: Deadline: 18 – March – 2024 LaTeX workshop (room 114 – NU Campus): 20 – March – 2024 (12:30- 01:30 PM) مبادرة "تواصل" تكتل الاقتصاد الأخضر والاستدامة: Deadline: 22 – March – 2024

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#154

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#154 Important Deadlines: Session by Dr. Mohamed Abd Elkodous (physical): “The Power of Emerging AI-Supported Tools for Students and Researchers”: 10 – March – 2024 (NU Campus, room 367 - 01:00 PM) STDF | International Science Partnerships Fund Research Collaborations

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#153

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#153 Important Deadlines: Lecture by Dr. Patrick Degenaar (physical): Biomedical Electronics and the Modern Medicine: 5 – March – 2024 (NU Campus, room 114 - 12:30 - 01:30 PM) Webinar by Prof. Alaa Adris (Online): Research Translation into Economic and Societal Value: The

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#152

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#152 Important Deadlines: Spencer Foundation | Supporting transformative research projects designed to reimagine education systems for equity.: Deadline (Letter of Intent): 7 – February – 2024 European Commission | Erasmus+ Capacity Building in HE : Deadline: 8 – February –

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#151

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#151 Important Deadlines: PGRF2024 : Submission deadline: 25 – January – 2024 Research to Impact Competition (PGRF2024): Submission deadline EXTENDED: 27 – January – 2024 Young Professional (YP) Paper Competition: Deadline: 2 – February – 2024 European Commission | Erasmus+