NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletters

NU Research Weekly Newsletter

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#102

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#102 Important Deadlines: Call for Jury members for the 15th UGRF – NU Campus. Register & Share with your external network : Deadline: 15 – Jan – 2023 (Registration form: ) NU Postgraduate Research Forum PGRF2023 (Exclusive to NU PG &
NU Research Weekly Newsletter

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#101

NU Weekly Highlights_Issue#101
NU Research Weekly Newsletter

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #100

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #100 Important Announcement: Nile University @ COP27 Egypt. Moments & Activities Dr. Irene Samy wins Best Project Award in research & innovation by Africa Grows Green @ COP27 NU wins 3rd Place Best Video at Net-Zero Competition (for Softrobotics) by
NU Research Weekly Newsletter

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #99

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #99 Important Announcement: Nile University at COP27 Summit Egypt 6 – 18 Nov 2022 Sharm Elsheikh 15th Undergraduate Research Forum (UGRF) course submission statistics & next step MEDI2022 International conference at Nile University 21-24 November 2022
NU Research Weekly Newsletter

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #98

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #98 Important Announcement: Nile University in QS Arab region rankings 2023 NILES2022 International Conference: Statistics, videos, moments & Best paper awards AGYA 2 days Training: “Making Graduates Ready for the Job Market” on Nile University Campus
NU Research Weekly Newsletter

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #97

NU Research & Grants Weekly Newsletter - Issue #97 Important Announcement: Congratulations Winners of NU Internal Proposal Fund 2022-2024 NU leads with the top 2% scientists worldwide, Stanford University Annual report 2021 15th Undergraduate Research Forum at Nile University. Announcement &