

About NilePreneurs

NilePreneurs is a nationwide initiative started in 2019 and powered by the Central Bank of Egypt and the Egyptian Banking Sector.
Fueled by various partnerships with governmental and private sector entities, NilePreneurs has been supporting startups and SMEs in the domains of manufacturing, agriculture, and digital transformation through applying different innovation instruments. The initiative is piloted at Nile University and has expanded to 4 other universities, and is still growing.



Achieve sustainable economic development that is based on SMEs and entrepreneurship, with the support and integration of all affiliated parties.


Establish a comprehensive and effective infrastructure to support SMEs and the entrepreneurship ecosystem.



NilePreneurs Incubate Incubates innovative startups in strategic sectors in Egypt; supporting them from the Ideation phase till commercialization.  
Innovation & Design Technologies Turns products from an idea into a success story. As an Innovation Consultancy and R&D as a Service entity, it supports companies in pushing new innovations to the market.  
BDS Hubs Provides business development, advisory support services, and implementable financial and non-financial solutions that help SMEs and improve the entrepreneurial environment.  
NilePreneurs Compete  Enable clients to improve their market performance and achieve their growth goals through providing technical support and enabling innovation management and technology transfer.  
NilePreneurs Learn Offers a blended learning program that provides youth with best practices and hands-on experience from industry experts.  
NilePreneurs Academy  Serves as an educational startup accelerator that provides business founders with an intensive program that develops their capabilities and drives their business growth.