
Summer Internship/Service-Learning Program


Nile University undergraduate students are required to engage in an internship or service-learning experience a year before graduation. Student internships provide on-the-job training opportunities to students that help them gain experience in their fields, develop an interest in a particular career, and create a network of contacts. Service-learning enriches learning by engaging students in meaningful service to their communities. Students apply academic skills to solving real-world problems and linking their learning with genuine needs. They also learn to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to global concerns such as hunger, pollution, and diversity.

Students are required to spend around 150 hours (a full month) of non-lecture time on their internship/service-learning activity and submit a report at the end. The intern supervisor is also required to submit an evaluation report and recommend a final score/grade for the student.

Three reports are required:

- An Initial Report filled in by NU Training & Internship Executive in coordination with the company/organization before the start of the internship. This report must be approved by the Business Supervisor.

- An Intern Supervisor Evaluation Report filled in by the intern supervisor. It should be signed, stamped and submitted to NU Training & Internship Executive no longer than a week after the internship is over. This Report will be sent to the Business Supervisor for review and will be counted towards the student’s final grade.

- A Student Internship Report is filled in by the student and submitted to NU Training & Internship Executive no longer than a week after the internship is over. This Report will also be sent to the Business Supervisor for grading and evaluation. The Business Supervisor will then assign the student’s final grade.


Internship Opportunities

Nile University allows students to participate and join various multinational and national companies to offer internship opportunities to gain experience in their fields which is mandatory for NU students to graduate.

Companies that offer internship opportunities for NU students include:


Student Internship Report Program

The internship is an integral part of your study at Nile University. It should provide you with real-life experience in your field of interest. To fulfill the academic requirements of the internship you are required to submit an internship report following the specifications outlined in this guide. This report should be submitted no longer than a week after your internship and should be handed to NU training and internship supervisor.

An Internship Report must include an outline of the business of the company for which you worked, summarize the work you did, and discuss the specific outcomes you achieved. The report must demonstrate your ability to communicate what you have done in your internship and how it relates to your academic background. The report should be typed, written in a professional way and does not exceed 15 pages (single spaced, font: Times New Roman 12).


Report Guide Program

  • Cover Page: Write a page that states the title of your report, the name and address of the company where you completed your internship, your name and the name of the school and program for which you are preparing the internship report.
  • Executive Summary: Summarize the activities you performed during the internship, the achieved outcomes and how they relate to your academic background. This should be written after you finalize your report.
  • The Company: Describe the company and the specific department where you performed your internship.
  • The Project: Give more details on your job assignments/responsibilities, the knowledge/skills you gained from this experience, the challenges you faced, and the connection you made between the hands-on learning during the internship with the theoretical concepts of your course of study, etc
  • Conclusion: Conclude with a summary of your experience, observations, recommendations and suggestions for improvement.

N.B: Please consider the above a guideline. Feel free to support your report in any way you like; a video, photographs, an interview, etc. and submit such materials as an appendix to your report.