President Word
"Nile University was established on solid grounds with a clear vision to become one of the elite Higher Education Institutions in the region. Throughout the past years and against many odds, Nile University has wholeheartedly, with great persistence and proven endurance and building on its core values, pursued fulfilling its mission to support a national technology-driven economy with competent graduates, know-how and brand-making innovations.
As the second President of Nile University, I was privileged to carry out the flag and pursue the path towards Excellence that was paved by former Nile University President (Prof. Tarek Khalil) and the institution's founders. Since my engagement with Nile University in 2008, I have embraced the institution's culture, morals, and work ethics. Building on which, along with hard work throughout the years, I have managed to work with fine colleagues to successfully develop a unique learning and research environment supported by true innovation and entrepreneurial culture that is becoming a landmark in the education system nationwide.
The path is still long to go, and the sky is the limit for what we could all achieve together, both within the university or outside, through true partnerships with peers all over the world.
The unwritten code of partnership between Nile University's faculty, staff, students, and excellence-seeking minds and spirits is what will make all our dreams come true.
Becoming a highly intelligent, full-fledged Higher Education Institution targeting sustainable growth and excellence in all its pillars - learning, research, innovation/entrepreneurship, and community impact - are our commitments in the years to come."